The Southampton Volunteer Ambulance (SVA) provides emergency medical services in the Town of Southampton, New York.  The Southampton Volunteer Ambulance is primarily staffed by trained volunteers who live in the Town of Southampton. In addition, there is always a Paramedic on-call, 24 hours per day, 7 days a week.


When you contact 911 for a medical emergency in the Town of Southampton, we will be there to aid you as well as coordinate services based on your needs.  Our trained personnel will ensure that you receive the best care fast.


 Mission Statement 


Southampton Volunteer Ambulance is a non-profit community service organization providing emergency patient care to Southampton Township.
We are funded by taxpayers and private donations.
All donations are tax deductible and greatly appreciated.





Donna Kreymborg

Theresa Hunter 

(Secretary of  the Board)

Nicholas Burke

Sharon Helmsteadt

Jimmy Mack

Joe Riccardi, Sr



Ian King
District Supervisor (30)

Joseph M. Riccardi
First Assistant Chief (31)

Corey Hanning-Fromm
First Assistant Chief (32)

Heather Zaykowski
Secretary to Membership

about ambulance



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